To protect aircraft and components from damage due to lightning strikes:
- A wide range of materials
- A wide range of configurations
- Different lengths
- Lightweight versions
- Excellent abrasion resistance
- Corrosion-free
- Customized products
More Lightning Protection and Bonding materials available upon request
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Static dischargers
- ASNE0400
- ASNE0399

Support for S.D
- ABS1240
- NSA936221
- NSA936222

- A-A-59569C
- ABS1534
- DAN416
- NSA936020
- QQ-B-575C

Bonding braids / Jumpers
- ABS0394
- ABS0607
- ABS1509 / 10
- ABS1660
- ASNE0088 / 89 / 90 / 91 / 92
- BACJ40
- DAN388
- JN1061
- MBBN3318
- LN9264
- PAN5157
- M83413